Commercial Photography

Chamberlin Photography is a full service Commercial Photography studio located in Lansing, MI providing a complete range of business related services such as professional head shots, products, events, locations and more! As a commercial studio, we understand business and how to create images that communicate. We know how to listen to your needs and goals.  

Photos are more powerful than text!


Professional headshot service. Your first impression in the digital world is your photo.


Photos sell food! A professional photo of your food brings out the color, the textures and the desire to want to have it. NOW!


A pro photo of your product clearly communicates to the customer WHY they want the product. The features, the colors, the design the ingenuity are all shown in sharp detail.



You want to get the most value out of your event. It’s important for clients, employees and sponsors to fully appreciate and savor the event.


What does your store, office, manufacturing floor or property look like? Does it look professional, comfortable, inviting? Do I want to do business there?


Real estate is competitive. Buyers will flip through dozens of listings looking for the perfect place. When they come across the photo that grabs them, they stop and say, “I really want to see this.”

Let’s talk! I want to better understand how I can serve you

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